Voice Of Immigrant
معا من اجل ابقاء منبرا حرا
معا من اجل اعلاء صوت المهاجر
ليبرالية حرة
لكل من ترك مصر شابا او شيخا ويتوق لسماع احوال الوطن

Dear Sir/Madam
My name is Samy Atwan, I am the publisher of a newspaper called "Voice of the Immigrant". My headquarters is in Allentown Pennsylvania , USA .
My newspaper is published in Arabic and English. My main goal for publishing this newspaper is to alert Americans and the World to the danger of Islamic horrible teachings that caused 9/11 and other disasters all over the world, and to expose the abusive government of Egypt supported by the money of the terrorist state of Saudi Arabia, and to defend the oppressed and abused Copts of Egypt. I lived among those Islamists and speak their language before I immigrated to USA .
If you don't know, Copts are the original owners of Egypt before the Arabs invaded our land 1400 years ago. They destroyed our civilization ( Egypt is the only country that has the only existing Wonder of the seven Wonders of the old World - The Pyramids of Giza ). Arab invaders exposed and still exposing us Copts to all kind of extermination, Islamization by force, discrimination and abuse until we became 10% of the population now.
The reason I am writing to you is the financial difficulty I am facing currently. My paper is distributed free of charge, I have few Ads that bring me less than a quarter of the cost of printing and distributing 200,000 issues of my paper. I would appreciate it if you could send a contribution to support this good cause so I could continue spreading the word, or direct me to names and addresses or phone numbers of organization(s) in USA that may send me financial help to continue my fight in this critical time in U.S. history, while America is facing the dangers and horrors of Islam.
My Checking Account info is:
Wachovia Bank
Samy Atwan
voice of emmigrant
p.o.box 57 allentown,pa 18105
tel 6103519146
fax 6103519147
حساب البنك
wachovia bank
031000503 2000017967927


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